90 Day Health Transformation RoadMap
Transform Your Health in 90 Days: The Roadmap to Gut Health, Unstoppable Energy, and FEELING unflappable!
No more feeling like you are pushing your BODY and MIND UPHILL.
The 90 Day Health Transformation Roadmap is a well structured plan on how to get your health back on track RIGHT NOW and forever more.
No more doing it yourself without the support and tools to get you RESULTS. No more having to think for yourself and taking a trial and error approach to your health.
ACTION my advice as your trusted Health Expert. Let me do the bossing and thinking for you. Let me UNPICK your years of symptoms with my results driven systems and processes.
With my decade of clinical experience of working with people just like YOU.
If you want tangible tools and tests to measure your health and INSTANT results this is the PROGRAM for you.
These daily health issues you are experiencing are more than just annoying—they’re signs your body is out of balance.
The Solution: IT’s THIS EASY.
It’s My 90 Day Health Transformation Roadmap process and SYSTEM.
I have been doing this SYSTEM with clients for a DECADE NOW and that’s why I achieve such AMAZING results for all my clients.
The 90-Day Health Transformation Roadmap is group program designed to reset your body and mind, starting with the three fundamentals to ALL my clients protocols.
This SYSTEM looks at:
Number ONE: GUT HEALTH. We want to heal your gut and feed your good gut bacteria while nourishing your body with the food you EAT. What you can expect: Your belly is so FLAT, you’ve said goodbye to any bloating as you know how to eat for your gut health. By the end of 90 days you find yourself annoyed that you don’t eat as much anymore as you’re actually absorbing your food and digesting it. You no longer spend the day worrying about your poos and the bathroom visits that used to fill you with so much anxiety.
Number TWO: ENERGY. We will restore your adrenals (AKA your energy powerhouses to their forma glory). Remember when you used to bounce out of bed with an abundance of ENERGY and just kept going in your flow the whole day. You went to bed because you love your bed, not because you’ve been falling asleep on the couch blobbing out in front of Netflix too exhausted to get to bed. You will get your BEST ENERGY yet.
Number THREE: NERVOUS SYSTEM. (your REST and DIGEST system when it’s in BALANCE) Your will be a ZEN mistress! Life will throw things at you like it always does but YOU will have the tools to SHOW up exactly as you want to in EACH situation as you are no longer flustered by life and living life close to a daily meltdown.
Through expert-led weekly pre recorded trainings that you can BINGE watch to get FASTER results.
Weekly LIVE Q&A and Training calls to provide you with all the hands on and personlised help you require to get fast results and your health transformation.
Along with coaching in our group telegram group (online app chat space) during my office hours you will get quick answers to your health symptoms in REAL time and as they change throughout this program. For example if you are in the organic store and want to know which is the best bone broth to buy you can post a photo and I will reply in REAL time. Or you are wanting to know what the results mean from the Stomach acid test, i’ve had you do, you can post your result in the chat and in real time get my feedback so you can get SPEEDY RESULTS. You will get fast help to course correct, because optimising your health is a JOURNEY and after supporting thousands of people just like you over the past decade, I know that all clients have speed wobbles and get stuck. This coaching space is to make sure you KEEP MOVING towards your transformation.
You will not only get educated and empowered, but GET the RESULTS you have literally been dreaming about.
As an ex INVESTMENT banker, I LOVE KPIS!!! I see every clients health challenges as my next list of KPIS, that I need to meet in order to have done my job. (of course we negotiate like good bankers making sure you are ACCOUNTABLE for the work to get the RESULTS you so desirer, but I give you the tools so you are SET UP to achieve your goals and health wins)
How It Works:
Here’s how the 90-Day Roadmap works:
1. Gut Health Mastery: Learn how to nourish your gut, heal and seal the lining, and eliminate bloating, while teaching your body how to DIGEST again, so you can absorb nutrients better and feel lighter. (saving you money on your grocery bill, saving you time as we streamline your food prep so you LOVE your life and can get out of the kitchen as fast as possible)
Enjoy perfect poos every day, our POOS are TRULY a FREE daily health check up with our bodies! You too, will be as EXCITED as me when you see the PERFECT sausage POO.
Imagine no longer being scared of what to eat!
2. HAVE Energy on Demand: No more afternoon slumps! Learn how to fuel your body with real, natural energy and ditch sugar and caffeine as your sole source of ENERGY. Instead you get them to enjoy them as part of your rituals.
Wake up refreshed and stay alert throughout the day, READY to do the workout you so desirer at anytime because you feel so good in your body.
3. Nervous System MASTERY (AKA deSTRESS, bring down your cortisol levels and learn what is making you stressed!).
Master the art of staying calm under pressure, so you can manage stress, avoid emotional outbursts, and show up as your best self at work and at home.
Feeling Calm all day long, instead of looking like a duck with their head above the water and their feet peddling non stop.
Ending each day knowing you will fall to sleep each night feeling like you are floating in the clouds, knowing you wake up feeling so rested and restored ready for another busy day.
What’s Included:
Pre-recorded Trainings: In-depth lessons on gut health, energy, and nervous system regulation.
Live Q&A Sessions: Get your questions answered weekly in these LIVE q&A calls with me, that you get your HEALTH RESULTS in JUST 90 days!
Telegram Support Community: Stay accountable, ask questions with me, and connect with others on the same health journey.
What to EXPECT after the 90 Day Health Transformation Roadmap.
- You will bounce out of bed no longer craving sugary snacks throughout the day looking for quick ENERGY.
- You will come home and be able to do all your LOVE projects in the evenings rather than lying on the couch zoning out because your so TIRED.
- Your belly will stay FLAT all day long, no longer looking 6 months pregnant after lunch each day.
- You will go to bed and SLEEP the whole night, no more waking up with HOT flushes or not feeling like you had a well RESTED, restorative sleep EVERY night.
- Your periods will work like clock work, no more cramps, the only sign you will have is the ONE YOU NEED. YOUR bleed, it will bright red (the only colour it should be.) and last for 4-5 days.
- You will poo EVERY single day, a well formed Sausage poo. You never knew how satisfying this was, until NOW. You will get POO- PHORIA!
- Your body shape will have CHANGED.
- NO more puffy face, hands and ankles.
- You NO longer need to STRESS about what to EAT and if something is causing you IRRITATION, you have all the tools in your POCKET. You no LONGER FEAR food and symptoms.
- You know EXACTLY how much protein to EAT for your body to feel amazing all day LONG.
- You will no longer need to start the day with coffee for your ENERGY and END the day with WINE so you can JUST CHILL OUT and take the EDGE of.
- NO more racing thoughts, you can finally BE in the PRESENT and not have a racing heart of clamy hands stressing about LIFE.
- EVERYONE will know what your SECRET it, your friends will be talking about how good you look, how much ENERGY you have and this GLOW you know have. They will be begging for your SECRET SAUCE.

3 Month and 6 Month pay payment plans available.
Frequently Asked Questions
The TRUTH is, i’m known for making health easy. BUT I will always TELL Clients there are some RULES to health, so you are going to need to WANT to put in the EFFORT. The TRUTH is I don’t have time to drag you across the line. THIS is your health! From my years of working with clients, I can make it SO easy for you, but if you don’t take the time to listen to the trainings, it doesn’t matter how GREAT I am at my job, your results won’t be SUSTAINED. I know that the BEST transformations happen for the clients that understand the WHY of their health and bodies.
Yes 3 months and 6 months
No not as part of this program, however you can upgrade and do the VIP with one on one sessions with Shelley as well.
No, all supplement recommendations are personalised, so even with this group program, you will need different nutrients to others doing the program.
Not as part of the group program, but you will learn common patterns about your blood work and why certain nutrients in your blood work might be low and how to fix it. You might choose to do your annual blood work before starting this program.
Yes of course you can. You will increase your health results. Shelley’s all about stacking the health benefits.