10 Day Cortisol Reset Program

Why a 10-Day Cortisol Reset Program?

Are you blaming estrogen for your woes? Has  someone told you that you’re just high in estrogen? Your body might be telling you otherwise.

Transform Your Health with the 10-Day Cortisol Reset Program!

Why a 10-Day Cortisol Reset Program? It’s designed to deliver quick and CHANGING results. This program is all about boosting YOUR energy levels, sharpening your BRAIN, and enjoying restful sleep while learning NEW TOOLS to help you take control of your CORTISOL LEVELS. Feel empowered and back in the driver’s seat with your health.

Say goodbye to pesky menopause symptoms like night sweats, acne, and stubborn weight gain. While some might consider these symptoms a part of aging, I’m here to tell you that they don’t have to be. Our program provides a quick start to your wellness journey, offering practical tools that will HELP you going FORWARD.

Curious if your stubborn symptoms are linked to YOUR cortisol levels? After years of working one-on-one with clients, I’ve found that many of you are shocked to discover how CORTISOL is impacting your lives, health, and bodies.

Does this sound like YOU?

You love your life—everything seems perfect on paper.

Yet, you experience persistent symptoms:

  • Feeling down during the day, despite knowing you have a great life.
  • Waking up foggy each morning, dreading getting up and going on,  relying on your first morning coffee to feel normal.
  • Struggling with stubborn weight that just won’t budge no matter what you do. You feel like you’ve tried it ALL and now you just have to ACCEPT it.
  • Inconsistent sleep, it’s like you are pregnant ALL over again, you can’t REMEMBER the last time you SLEPT through the night, waking up REFRESHED.
  • Bloated and uncomfortable throughout the day, eliminating more and more FOODS to try and STOP the BLOAT.
  • Lacking energy for your passion projects that LIGHT you up, feeling like a robot on repeat, one day drags into the NEXT, YET you REALLY want to ENJOY Your life again. Because REMEMBER it’s GREAT after all.
  • The WORST part is, YOU have BEEN told anytime you’ve reached out for HELP, that there is NOTHING wrong with you. THIS is NORMAL. There is NOTHING YOU can do. 

If any of this resonates, PAUSE!

TAKE HEART, this DOESN’T have to be your FUTURE. You don’t need to STAY STUCK FOREVER.

It’s time to stop guessing and start testing.

Let’s take action!

YOU will learn NEW TOOLS to help you take control of your CORTISOL LEVELS, so you feel empowered and back in the drivers seat with your health.  You will be able to use these tools going FORWARD.

Say goodbye to those pesky menopause symptoms that have been bothering you, like night sweats, acne, and that stubborn middle-aged spread.

While some may consider symptoms a part of ageing, i’m here to tell you that they don’t have to be.

Does this sound familiar? 

Recently Emma called me, telling me her autoimmune symptoms had flared again. She was feeling pain in all her joints. She was getting daily headaches. Like YOU she loves her family and her life, but she was feeling overwhelmed, anxious and getting snitchy at her family. She is in her late 40s and thought it was TOO early to be feeling like this for the rest of her life. She has been on HRT for a while, but her doctor hadn’t been checking her levels. She had been told it was pointless re testing. 

Can you relate to this?

Unfortunately, I have many Emma’s in my LIFE. I RAGE inside every time I hear a conversation like this. Of course you need to regularly check your hormone levels, that’s why we have TESTING available to us.  Our bodies change as our LIVES change. You also don’t need to put up with these symptoms for the rest of your life. LIFE IS TOO short to be in PAIN and MISERABLE. Of course when we tested her, her hormones were out of WHACK so we supported her body and she’s back to THRIVING pain free again, loving her life. OF course her hormones will change again, so once again we will FINE TUNE  her protocol when needed.
What about Chrissy. Chrissy called for her first appointment as she had two young girls, a successful business and had until recently loved exercising. She had always eaten healthy, but now was resenting it. What was the POINT she told me. I just PUT on MORE AND MORE weight. I don’t have the ENERGY to prepare all this HEALTHY food and i’m not getting the RESULTS I want anymore. Chrissy was struggling to exercise at the gym, she wasn’t building muscle. She was waking up multiple times at night due to night sweats. She couldn’t remember important work conversations anymore. She was pretty miserable by the time she had her first appointment with me. She had been searching for too long for answers and wanted to give up by the time we had our first appointment. 
The first thing we did was run her cortisol levels and start teaching her how to test her cortisol levels at home daily. We had to get cortisol under control so it could stop DISRUPTING her thyroid, estrogen and testosterone levels. CORTISOL was running the show in her body and her old ways of being weren’t working. By working together I taught her all the NEW TOOLS she needed to get her CORTISOL levels under control and get all her blood work back into optimal levels so she could THRIVE. She now enjoys her family again, wakes up feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. Remembers all the promises she’s made to her daughters (much to their sometimes annoyance). She has lost the 5 kilos she had put on, her thyroid is working optimally again, she poos daily and has built muscle. She is seeing life through sparkly lenses again
lemon and ginger


During this 10-Day CORTISOL Reset, we FOCUS on our primary hormone: CORTISOL. Each day, you’ll be taught practical tools to balance your cortisol levels. TO STOP, CORTISOL from DISRUPTING YOUR BODY.

The reality is that TODAY, our environment is filled with stressors and toxins that keep our bodies in a constant STRESS RESPONSE. If we are NOT CONSCIOUSLY taking steps to CHANGE OUR CORTISOL LEVELS, then CORTISOL is essentially RUNNING OUR BODies. You might not label your feelings as stress; instead, you may experience bloating, restless sleep, or changes in appetite—symptoms that can all be linked to CORTISOL.

These challenges can negatively impact our health. When clients say, “I just don’t know how to stop feeling stressed,” I remind them that some of us have been living in a stressful environment for so long, that CORTISOL has TAKEN CONTROL. Unless we actively work to reduce this toxic burden, we contribute to it daily.

When your cortisol is  BALANCED you feel:

When was the last time you gave your BODY a FINE TUNE and gave it some undivided attention?

By participating in our 10-Day Cortisol Reset Program, you’ll embark on a quick journey to discover how to start managing your CORTISOL levels and getting your energy back again.  This quick Cortisol Reset Program is a great starting point to look at all the areas of your health that are causing stress on your body. You get to begin the journey to a healthier, happier you. Say goodbye to sugar cravings and discover how to eat in a more balanced way for the rest of your life without having food stress anymore.

This program has been designed and developed from what we have learned from hundreds of people completing our other programs.  It provides the space and guidance for profound RESULTS.

It’s your first step towards lasting transformation, and if you’re intrigued by what you achieve in these ten days, imagine the possibilities of how much more AMAZING it’s POSSIBLE to FEEL

What’s Included: