New Year Resolutions: New Year, New You

But Can We Actually Make It Happen?

How many times have you thought, “This year is going to be different. I’m going to get my health on track. I’ll prioritise self-care. I’ll feel better, look better, and finally stick to my new year resolutions…”

You start the new year with high hopes, January 1st feels like a fresh start, and you’re excited. You’ve mapped out your goals. You’re going to make 2025 the year of your health! But by the time February rolls around, life has already gotten busy again.

You get tripped up at a friend’s BBQ, maybe miss a workout or two, and before you know it, you’re back to square one. You’re beating yourself up, thinking, “Health is just too hard. Why can’t I stick with it? Emma down the road looks amazing, and she doesn’t even try half as hard as I do!”

And maybe, you’ve even heard your doctor tell you, “It’s just a part of who you are. Nothing will really change.” So, you start believing it. The voices in your head say, “It’s too hard, I’ll never stick with it, so why even try?”

You feel stuck with that extra stomach roll, the cellulite that won’t budge, the afternoon sugar cravings you can’t seem to shake, and those constant cups of coffee to get through the day. You’re tired, frustrated, and starting to lose hope that things will ever be different. You’ve begun to accept that this is YOU. You will be like this for the rest of your life.

But here’s the truth: getting your health back doesn’t have to be that hard, and you don’t have to do it alone.

Let’s make achieving New Year Resolutions easy

What if you could make 2025 the year you actually stick to your new year resolutions – without the guilt, overwhelm, or frustration? What if there were simple steps to follow, tools to guide you, and an expert there to support you along the way?

I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to make healthy living easy – and it doesn’t require major life changes, willpower, or perfection. Health is all about building habits and creating routines that become second nature. So that when someone asks you what do you do for your health. You look at them blankly because now it’s a part of your daily routinue.

So, how do we make this year different?

It starts with some simple, actionable steps to get you feeling better fast. I would say it STARTS with the 10-Day Health Reset beginning 20th of January. During these 10 days you will learn quick wins to RAMP UP your health journey – and keep the momentum going for all of 2025.

Here’s a sneak peek at the wins you’ll discover:

  1. Get Hydrated – We are water BEings after all. This simple habits sounds EASY but clinically with a decade of experience I’ve only worked with a handful of people that are well hydrated and know how much water they need to be drinking. The first sign of dehydration is FATIGUE.
  2. Give Your Body the Gift of Electrolytes – This easy daily formula (see below) that you can make at home, supports your adrenal health – (your adrenals are the glands of ENERGY and REGULATE your thyroid and hormones, they really are LIFE to your body, when they are functioning at 120%)
  3. Heal Your Gut – A healthy gut is the key to having the BEST health possible and this needs to be a daily habit. Our guts also improve our mood when functioning optimally and improve our brain function. Remember our brains and guts talk to each other, so if our guts have any symptoms (bloating, cramping, it hurts to poo, liquid poos, rashes, food allergies and the list goes on) we know our brains are on FIRE due to the two way communication system of our brain- gut axis.
  4. Feed Your Good Gut Bugs – Prebiotics and probiotics to keep your gut bugs happy, so you can have a thriving immune system. Don’t wait to get SICK in the winter, be PROACTIVE this year. Use our festive fizz recipe as one way to incorporate it into your life. 
  5. Stop the Cravings! – This is a MAJOR bonus and win for clients. They can’t believe that by focusing on their protein intake, they can finally control their sugar cravings and keep your energy steady all day long.
  6. Get Enough Protein Daily – We know in the western world that most of us are not eating enough protein for our bodies to function daily, let alone for our bodies to heal after exercise, regenerate new cells and flourish.
  7. Perfect Poos Every Day – Yes, digestive health is key to feeling your best! Yes we need to talk about your poo health. Our poos despite being a taboo topic that it’s seen as impolite dinner time topic, our poos really do tell us daily what is happening with our health. Such a great FREE health check in.
  8. Wake Up with GREAT Energy – No more dragging yourself out of bed. You’ll be energised all day long! Even if you think you have great energy, why not see what your REAL potential is. What if you are capping your levels of ENERGY and you really have so much more to give.
  9. Hack Your Stress Levels – Learn how to manage stress so you’re not sabotaging your health with chronic stress and creating a WAVE of symptoms in your body, that you didn’t even realise you had control over.
  10. Support Your Liver & Hormones – Whether you’re male or female, supporting your liver IS ESSENTIAL to helping your hormones thrive!

How my health experience can help you

In a recent interview with Mitchell’s Nutritionread it here, we discussed my health journey and why I’m helping others. Quite simply it’s because I don’t want anyone to go through what I did. With years of data and experience I now know how to help others achieve their goals (hello, new year resolutions). 

So, are you ready to make 2025 your healthiest year yet? 

Let’s take it one step at a time, with tools, support, and habits that will set you up for success. Join our 10 Day Health Reset Program here, starting on 20th of January 2025.

Not sure about a 10 day reset? Check out our FIRST masterclass of the year that contains EASY health tips for you to smash your new year resolutions for 2025.


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