What to know before you take Antibiotics

Today I wanted my favourite holistic paediatrician Dr Elisa Song to talk to you about the use of antibiotics in winter, with particular reference to what steps to take when we need to use antibiotics with our children.  Many of us are aware that antibiotics are overused and sometimes inappropriately prescribed, but what a lot … Read more

Do you have Gallbladder symptoms and don’t even know it?

Some of you might be sick of me going on and on and on about the gallbladder and how important it is to us. It’s an organ that is essential for our health for multiple reasons.  But you would be amazed at the amount of people that we see in clinic that have had their … Read more

Become a Dream-Builder

I thought now was a great time after an eventful first half of the year and coming out of Covid-19 to recap on something that I had the privilege and honor of doing with my clients at the end of 2019, and that was the Dream-Building workshops that I was lucky enough to host. It … Read more

How Oil Pulling Can Transform your Oral Health

You know that I’m all about efficiency in our lives. I understand that sometimes it feels so overwhelming, and there’s just so much to do and not enough time to do it all. Rest assured everything I ask you to do I am doing myself too, and can give testimony to the results. We all … Read more

The Lymphatic System – why it is key to weightloss and detoxification

I want to talk to you all about your lymphatic system, because I spend so much time talking about this in clinic.   I also notice that when I talk to my corporate clients a lot of people don’t know about their lymphatic system at all.   It’s such a major drainage system in our body.  It’s … Read more

The importance of a Morning Routine

A question I get asked a lot is – What should my morning routine be, what should it look like, and what is mine personally?  I’ve also found and seen both with myself, and with clients, how important a morning routine is during the coronavirus lockdown period.  So, from very early on in my health … Read more

Let’s get Parasympathetic

One of my favourite topics to talk about is parasympathetic dominance, ie. talking about our central nervous system.  I love it so much that we do a whole module on it in our “3 Steps to finding your Personalised Power Foods” online course.  This couldn’t be a more timely topic at the moment!!   What I am seeing … Read more

Mastering your Mindset in Difficult Times

So we have basically been in lock-down for a week now.  On the first day of lock-down I interviewed Jen Gottleib – we call her ‘CEO of Mindset’ in her company. Since doing this interview I have implemented all her mindset tools and they have been changing my days. I truly encourage you to implement … Read more

Do you struggle with Sleep? Zzzz

Today I want to talk to you about sleep. It’s not something we really delve deeply into in clinic. Obviously, we do touch on this when I ask you what time you wake up and what time you’re going to bed, and what your energy is like first thing in the morning. But for those … Read more

AMD Ion Foot Bath Detox

Today I wanted to take a moment to talk about one of the new products that we have in the clinic. Sometimes having a business to play shops with can be the greatest fun, but other times it can be hugely stressful. However, one of the new products we can now offer you is the … Read more