Children’s Health – What to Look For

Today I wanted to have Dr Elisa Song, Holistic Paediatrician, share with you some tips around children’s health.  If you don’t have any children, you definitely want to share this email with your friends, as I have so many clients in clinic asking about their friend’s children.  However, you can also use some of these … Read more

Eat The Colours of the Rainbow

Recently while spending time with Dr Terry Wahls I asked her to talk to us about how she works with her patients.  Dr. Terry Wahls is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Iowa. She has a truly remarkable healing story.   She was diagnosed with progressive multiple sclerosis, became profoundly disabled with worsening … Read more

Harsh Self Criticism, Just a Distraction

Recently, while visiting the USA, I spoke with Dr Joan Rosenberg, author of the book “90 Seconds to a Life You Love: How to Master Your Difficult Feelings to Cultivate Lasting Confidence, Resilience, and Authenticity” … You will find her book sitting on the coffee table in our reception area – it’s such a worthwhile … Read more

Do you know what your Power Foods are?

So we’ve all heard of superfoods, right? They are the fad health foods based on the latest trend. We’ve had all things kale, then we moved to celery juice. There’s a new superfood every year. Remember the blueberry phase – they are amazing for anti oxidants right! Believe me, I am definitely a fan of … Read more

How to read your skincare labels and find the hidden toxins!

Morning, So most of you will know from seeing Trina on my Instagram previously, just how passionate I am about her work.  Why?  Because Trina is changing the world.  You only need to look at her face to understand that her products are amazing. What I often observe in clinic, and what clients are really … Read more

Is Water In Your Skin Products Good Or Bad?

We all know that getting the best health possible is a journey. Sometimes it feels so overwhelming so I always like to work with clients looking at one aspect of health at a time, otherwise if they think they have to do everything at once it’s too much.   That’s why I love the Shelley Says … Read more

Do you Sauna? Here’s why you should!

woman in sauna

Morning, I was lucky enough to be at an event with Dr Joe Mercola as well as the founder of Sauna Space, Brian Richards a couple of weeks ago. I used the opportunity to pick both their brains. I knew there had been some discussions about Near Infrared Saunas being better for us than traditional and infrared … Read more

You are more than a number on a scale!

Remember, stress = inflammation!! Those two words can be used interchangable. When your body is stressed, you will be inflamed, which means you will not lose weight or even gain weight.

My Journey – Part 2

My dream while I’d been at the investment bank was to buy a house, so I had worked those long hours to put savings in the bank. I promise you when you can’t get out of bed, all of this money in the bank seems pointless and when you are using those hard earned savings to get your health back it also seems pointless. I did learn the hard way that it’s better to look after yourself to begin with because it costs a lot more getting your health back again.

My Journey

The timing couldn’t be better… I’ve just completed my new look newsletter so to kick things off, I thought I’d share my unedited health story with you. I’m often asked in clinic about my own health journey. But I don’t like to share it as I do tend to think it’s not about my health, … Read more