“Why am I SO tired?” … How to increase your Energy!

Do you know what is responsible for producing energy in your body? It’s two glands the size of almonds called our ‘adrenal glands’. They are tiny, and they produce most of the energy in our body. When those glands are worn out or tired we are not going to have amazing energy. A lot of … Read more

How to reduce EMF exposure

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs). What does that mean, and what are they? Buzzword? Craziness? Woo-woo? I’ve known about them for years, but I didn’t want to be that woo-woo practitioner. Laugh as much as you like, because most of you already think I am. I get called all sorts of lovely names. I know you really … Read more

Top Tips to Beat Burnout

I’m often asked “What were you diagnosed with? What were those two years of bed, losing your cognitive function, losing the ability to go to the bathroom by yourself, not being able to get up and live your life and feed yourself and do everything on your own anymore? What was that medically diagnosed as? … Read more

What’s in your ‘Stress Beaker’?

The Stress Beaker exercise isn’t new to most of you, but what I’m seeing more and more in clinic, online and with my corporate clients is we need to talk about the stress burden on our bodies. I think we have misunderstood stress to mean financial pressure and work stress only. What I am observing … Read more

You are more than a number on a scale!

Remember, stress = inflammation!! Those two words can be used interchangable. When your body is stressed, you will be inflamed, which means you will not lose weight or even gain weight.