Is Water In Your Skin Products Good Or Bad?

We all know that getting the best health possible is a journey. Sometimes it feels so overwhelming so I always like to work with clients looking at one aspect of health at a time, otherwise if they think they have to do everything at once it’s too much.   That’s why I love the Shelley Says So summer challenge.   If you haven’t done it already then you really want to sign up here. It’s so much fun! You’ll start 2020 like no other year and it just means we can cover topics that we would never get to cover in clinic. Who doesn’t like a summer challenge?  (Also Trina is joining us as a special guest for this year’s challenge, you’ll love this!)

When I was unwell I started my road to recovery with diet and water, I wasn’t worried about my skin care.  It did help that I wasn’t leaving my bed so this was a low priority at the time. Today I have Trina with us talking about ingredients in skin care. Just on a side note, a fun game that I always like to play is, can you guess how old Trina is? Doesn’t she look so young!

Trina Felber spent the first 40 years of her life with broken out, dry and dull skin.  After spending thousands of dollars on expensive washes, serums, treatments and kits and never getting any results Trina discovered the TRUTH ABOUT THE BEAUTY INDUSTRY.  She discovered hidden toxins and harmful ingredients that cause premature aging, acne, dry skin and more.  Since Trina banished these ingredients from her beauty treatments, her skin is glowing, vibrant and young.  Trina shares her knowledge with you and will teach you how to find the hidden toxins in skincare marketed to you as “safe”, “safer” and “natural” so that you can stop wasting money and get the skin you love!

Most of you are familiar now with looking at labels for food but what about your products around the house (we have Alexx Stuart on the podcast talking about this!)  and what about what you are putting on your skin.

So when you read water as an ingredient in your face products, make up products, any skin care products, what do you think? I would have thought it was totally healthy and a great ingredient to be seeing on the list until Trina gave me the low down.  In Trina’s opinion “Water in my opinion is the worst and the most toxic ingredient in your skincare.”

First of all, if there’s water in there, you should look at the packaging. Packaging matters. Anything with water, oil, or any liquid needs to be in glass or something other than plastic, because plastic during travel from the facility that it’s made in to the facility it’s stored in, to the facility that you purchase it in, goes through temperature changes. During those temperature changes, plastic expands and contracts, which means it leaks toxins into your product.

The other reason water is bad is because it’s not typically purified. If it doesn’t say purified on the label it means it’s tap water. Tap water is loaded with heavy metals. If you wonder why you’re loaded with heavy metals and they  might be seeping in through your skincare. So heavy metals, radioactive material, and all sorts of different kind of waste products can be in tap water in your skincare. Ditch it.

The other reason you want to ditch water in your skincare is because it causes premature ageing. It causes those wrinkles on your skin that you don’t want anybody to see. It’s creating those wrinkles because it doesn’t moisturise your skin; it actually pulls the moisture as it evaporates out of your skin, dehydrates your skin. And dehydrated skin looks like a prune, not a plum.

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