Adrenal Health

We haven’t done a newsletter as yet this year, so for anybody that’s been asking, “No, you haven’t missed it?”  This was partly because I was trying to decide how I wanted to start the newsletters for this year, what our themes were going to be, what educational content we wanted to put out there … Read more

Myth Busting: Calories In – Calories Out

Are you someone who weighs themselves? Do you track your weight on the scales or are you not worried about your weight at all? If you do look at the number on the scale this Christmas, then question what underlying things might be happening in your body that are actually out of balance.  What isn’t … Read more

Are you getting good sleep?

As I’m doing several corporate talks all about ‘Sleep’ (and as it is always such a hot topic in clinic), I thought we had better end the year spending some time focusing on this for you, because you know how important sleep is!!   Surely, there’s got to be some hacks to having a great … Read more

Are you Breathing correctly?

Let’s talk about your breath.  Are you breathing correctly? and why is that SO important?   Breath is essential for our energy and to have the best night’s sleep. I’ve learned the hard way what it means to be an ‘over-breather’ and how it feels when you’re not breathing correctly. So it was such a joy … Read more

Are supplements a good choice? or waste of money?

Recently, I got asked by Lauren Caruso, a reporter in New York City, to comment on the benefits of taking supplements, ie. whether we all need to take supplements, whether some of us should take supplements at all, and what is the overall deal with supplements.  Firstly, I need to tell you that I personally … Read more

What does your Mouth say about your Overall Health?

With it being World Smile Day, I wanted to take the opportunity to have Trina Felber talk to us about our oral health. It’s very timely to be talking about this at the moment if you saw my latest interview on TVNZ talking about mask mouth. I like talking about your oral health at the … Read more

Simple ways to look after your Mental Health

As it’s Mental Health Awareness Week in New Zealand  I thought we needed to hear from Dr Roseann, an integrative mental health expert. We are going to be posting tips on social media throughout the week from Dr Roseann on some simple ways you can reset your central nervous system in daily life. Dr Roseann loves to talk about … Read more

“Pay it Forward”

Being generous –  going beyond ourselves and stepping out of our comfort zone to serve others. It’s one of the most effective and proven ways to boost our wellbeing.   It’s one of the best forms of self care that we have. In our current environment here and worldwide we need more of these two … Read more

A Plant-Based Ketogenic Diet

As the ketogenic diet is still very much a hot topic I wanted to get my friend Dr Ritamarie Loscalzo to talk to you about it, as she has been doing it for years, even before it was a thing!  So I will hand it over to her to share her wisdom ….. Twenty years ago doctors were talking about keto. We … Read more

Drainage 101 – Why It’s the First Step in Your Detox Journey

Today I wanted to take the opportunity to talk to you about something that doesn’t have much appeal, but is so important when you are looking to heal your body. Detoxification is always on the hit list. Everyone wants to do a detox!  We want to do a juice cleanse. We want to do all … Read more